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Bridal Beauty: Favorite Green Smoothie Recipes & A Few Tips

The countdown has begun! Less than 90 days! Seriously… I don’t know where the last 6 months have gone but I’m getting more excited by the minute. There’s something about having all the things you are planning and creating fall into place on that wonderful day. I’m looking forward to trusting our plans and just enjoying our wedding day knowing how hard we worked to bring everything together.

Bridal Beauty Green Smoothies

As part of my preparation for my own wedding, I’m trying out a few tried and true methods for getting and staying in shape as well as making sure my hair and skin are in the best condition possible. In a previous “Bridal Beauty” post, I wrote about my 21-day cleanse. I had every intention of doing a follow up post but life is crazy and sometimes you neglect your blog for weeks… that’s okay. Well, long story short, I LOVED it. I feel much better and have continued to practice the habits I learned throughout those 21 days. My mom even completed the cleanse and we plan on doing it again at the start of May.

I’d like to share some of my favorite green smoothie recipes with you today. I’ve become an avid green smoothie maker and can’t go a morning without one! It’s a serious addiction, but a healthy one I might add. I would love to start juicing more, but until that Breville that’s on our registry magically shows up at my doorstep (fingers crossed!) I will be sticking to my morning smoothies.

I will admit just having a smoothie for breakfast was a little intimidating to me because I am a HUGE breakfast gal. I love it and could eat it for every meal. So the thought of a little smoothie fueling me for the day was crazy to me. Eventually my body got used to the change and now it’s the best way for me to start my day. Here’s a few of my favorite recipes. Add some protein powder to these for a little extra something. I also love to add a little cucumber – it’s refreshing and cleansing.

My Everyday Smoothie

  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1 whole banana
  • 2 large handfuls of spinach (or kale!)
  • 1 cup of frozen mixed fruit (I love the tropical blend from my local grocery)
  • 1 packet of Truvia

Protein Packed Morning Smoothie

  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 2 large handfuls of spinach or kale
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use Designer Whey)
  • 1 cup frozen mixed fruit
  • Small scoop ground flax seed
  • 1 packet of Truvia

SPA Skin Cleanse (serves 2 – from Simple Green Smoothies)

  • 2 cups spinach, fresh
  • 2 cups coconut water
  • 2 cups pineapple
  • 1 avocado

Peach Coconut Dream (serves 2 – from Simple Green Smoothies)

  • 2 cups spinach, fresh
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 2 cups grapes
  • 2 peaches

A few other things I’m doing:

  • Coconut oil or Moroccan oil on the ends of my hair at night (makes a huge difference!)
  • Epson salt bath at least once a week (the Epson salts have a cleansing effect and it’s just plain relaxing.)
  • Limiting my makeup use. I’m working out during my lunch break so it doesn’t make sense for me to wear a ton of makeup that will just come off in a few hours and have to be put back on. I love these for cleansing my face after my mid-workday sweat sesh.
  • A mix of cardio & toning – I’m not a lover of cardio but trying to get it back into my routine. Currently I’m doing a half hour on the treadmill at my work gym during my lunch break and then following up with Pure Barre in the evenings. More on my favorite workout in another post!
  • Using One Love Organics products on my face. I ordered their trial pack and fell in LOVE. Their Brand New Day microderma scrub is the bomb and doubles as a skin smoothly face mask. (I use it once a week during my bath.)

You don’t have to be a bride-to-be to get healthy. I have found that it’s not as overwhelming to prepare for a big event (aka bikini season!) if you simply TRY to stay ‘ready’ all year round.

Later lovebirds 🙂


Meet Meg

I’m the owner and designer behind Meg Morrow – a wedding stationery design and monogram boutique based in the Midwest. Here in my Design Notes, you can keep up with the latest happenings at MM Design and my recent work, along with a little bit of what’s going on in our little family. I’m thrilled you stopped by!