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First 5 Things To Do After You Get Engaged



The day you’ve dreamed of for what seems like forever has finally come! He proposed. It’s one of the happiest days of your life and you can’t seem to stop smiling. I’ve been there and it seems like no one can take you down from that cloud 9 feeling. It’s such a special time and the most carefree time in your engagement. I remember just basking in that newly engaged feeling and looking at my ring every chance I could get the week after getting engaged!

I think I started looking at bridal magazines literally the day after I got that sparkly little gem on my finger 🙂 I couldn’t wait to start the planning process. For most couples, this time can be exciting but daunting. It’s hard to know where to start! I’ve come up with my top 5 things to do after you get engaged and I think these may be the most crucial first steps in your planning process.Take my advice and start planning as soon as you can. Vendors and venues are booked years (yes years!) in advance and you’ll want to get your date on their calendar as soon as possible! Check out my of the first 5 things you should do after you get engaged:

1. Spread the news! This is such a momentous occasion and you want to make sure everyone who is special to you knows first. I know it can be hard not to post about your engagement via social media as soon as you can, but trust me you’ll be glad you told those close to you before announcing it to the world. Call your family and friends and tell them. It’s so much better to hear the excitement in their voice than to see it via text message. We got engaged while on a beach vacation. We told those we love but waited almost a week to announce it online or via social media. It was a special time where we could bask in excitement and look forward to our announcement to everyone else.

2. Organize and Budget: This isn’t the most fun part but it’s definitely one of the first steps. Talk with your fiance. Talk with your parents. And set your budget first thing before talking any details or venue ideas.  And remember not to just set a general budget. Break it down into categories such as dress and accessories, catering, flowers, etc. This will help you narrow down vendors much better. Also, get out that binder and channel your inner high schooler 🙂 Get dividers, labels and zip pockets to keep small items such as color swatches and business cards. You’ll love having everything together and your vendors will love how organized you are!

3. Set the Look and Feel of Your Wedding: This is the time to buy those bridal mags and pin your little heart out! Think about the look you want. You don’t need a theme, just a general look and feel. One of the key questions is to ask yourself and your fiance – How do we want our guests to feel during our wedding day? Do you want a casual family reunion atmosphere or do you want your guests to wear black tie? Consider all options during this phase. Pin, pin, pin but don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. This is the fun stage!

4. Start the Guest Count: This is crucial to your next step. Get together with both sides and start a spreadsheet of guests. The number of guests you decide on will determine many of your next planning steps as well as your budget.

5. Venue Shopping: Do an online search and then head out with your crew to tour potential venues. And make sure you include both sides. Even if only one side is paying for the wedding. This is a great time to plan a day with both sets of parents! Be sure to have questions ready for each venue representative. You’ll want to get the full scoop before you book! Some may say to set your date before this step. In my own experience, it’s much easier to check out venues and see what’s available than to try to find a venue for a specific date. If you fall in love with a venue, you may want to change your date to accommodate what they have available.

photo via


Meet Meg

I’m the owner and designer behind Meg Morrow – a wedding stationery design and monogram boutique based in the Midwest. Here in my Design Notes, you can keep up with the latest happenings at MM Design and my recent work, along with a little bit of what’s going on in our little family. I’m thrilled you stopped by!