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Thanksgiving Day 2015 was a good day. We had full bellies, full hearts and it was definitely full of laughter. 

This was our first year as a married couple. Our “first married Thanksgiving” as my friend Lauren called it. It has been a great year so far and I’m excited for our first Holiday season together. This Thanksgiving was spent at a local restaurant in my hometown. One of the hometown favorites I would say. After we stuffed ourselves with delicious food, we made our way to my Grandma’s for pumpkin pie and other sweet treats. I think we sat there for 3 hours just laughing and enjoying each others’ company.  And that’s what it’s all about, giving thanks and slowing down to just BE together.

This year I’m overwhelming with thanks. Thankful for my sweet husband and my TWO families. Thankful for our Lord and the many ways he has changed our lives this year. Thankful for the possibilities of good news and new things to come in the new year. Thankful for this little business of mine and the wonderful friends I have made through it. Thankful for quiet times and times with family… those are definitely not quiet times 🙂

As the year is slowly coming to a close I can’t help but think about all the wonderful gifts 2014 brought us … 2015 has a lot to live up to.




Meet Meg

I’m the owner and designer behind Meg Morrow – a wedding stationery design and monogram boutique based in the Midwest. Here in my Design Notes, you can keep up with the latest happenings at MM Design and my recent work, along with a little bit of what’s going on in our little family. I’m thrilled you stopped by!